Emotions held a myriad of shades before, 
For I attach colors to every feeling I possess.
I search for one today, I hopelessly ponder,
For my canvas is soaked in tears, so colorless!
Words are long gone, my throat is dry,
To pen it down I try; my fingers are numb!
Looming in often, memories of that fateful day, 
Surreal, it still feels, perplexed, mind wanders!
One moment, my life shone bright and blissful,
The next, I find myself in a dreary parallel world.
Shrieks of pain from kids and babies filled the air, 
Helpless mothers watched in gloom and tears!
Struggling to survive the wounds of fear,
Yet with a kind smile, they carry the trauma.
With resonating magnitude, I feel them,
For I am, one of them, a mother in agony!
An inevitable adventure, we have embarked on,
The Universe has brought upon our lives.
A demon in blood, with fangs and claws,
Pointing its threatening sword at my child!
My mighty child, immensely brave,
This arduous battle, we fight to win.
Counting the blessings, the rays of sunshine,
A smile that stays to tide over this hurricane!!