I was perpetually bluffing to be fine

Sat in the shadows, in the dusky sand dunes;

Which glitters like flecks of gold

To live in the audacious lies

Just to showcase the pleasing myself to others.

Its time for the true alchemy!!!

Nothing can annihilate me in my path

I will not be engulfed in the stream of erroneous ache

Time to truly resonate; time to wakeup

Awakening from stupor & rediscovering to an Odyssey

To bury the mask worn of whom you are not

Break the stereotype & go into overdrive

Don’t be dismayed when you can’t understand life

Let the facades fade away

Show up yourself to the world,

A fighter was born in the turmoil of life

Before we turn grey; with wrinkles of regret

Make a pace & rejoice the essence…