Bawling her heart out,
That’s how I heard her first.
To see her and to never let go, my hands sought.
Barely conscious, the first time I nursed.

The little princess who preferred our warm hands over bed,
Days of our lazy ways were long gone.
Surrounded by her big family, she slept peacefully in her nest.
And oh to sleep, how she preferred the dawn.

Her tiny puffy eyes which she barely opened,
Her little cute fingers and pink fine toes.
Her hardly there hair and nails miniscule yet sharpened,
Her lip with the strawberry mark and the brown brown brows.

Her second night which I can’t ever forget,
My hungry weeping angel, who we tried to rock to sleep all night.
Fascination for the black sticker alphabets on the wall she met,
And the laughs and smiles while in her dreamlands she glides.

Mittens and booties tolerable yet swaddles were hard pass,
And the screeches and tears while we put her to bathe,
Take for a stroll while awake or she would make such huge fuss,
Mornings with her Grandma, she enjoyed the sunbath.

The day she opened her glittering eyes wide,
Or that time when she began to recognize sounds.
Her first trip to hospital which gave us quite the fright,
Our elation on seeing her attempt to do little rounds.

Her name ceremony and the first time she wore kohl and bangles black,
Seamlessly rolled into her first star birthday and the festivities.
Now prettier with her earrings, and smiles here and there, she blessed us back.
And yet continued to keep us on toes with her nocturnal activities.

Amused and enchanted, that moment when she jiggled her head, as if waltzing to a beautiful tune.
Or that phase when she observed her hands as if they were the biggest enigma.
And that time when cradling her was the mightiest boon.
Terrifying her fall on trip to her cradle, forever be my darkest stigma.

The might it took to roll on her back and the first time she crawled,
When she learnt to sit and managed to stand,
And all the times, with her gentle coos and raucous shouts, she had us enthralled.
And oh all her dramatic gestures grand.

Apple of her big brother’s eyes and love of her cousins.
Play dates with her peers and mischief with her family..
Her love for wreaking havoc and all her unintelligible buzzing.
In love with her is this entire family.

Too many moments and the time flies fast,
Too few words to describe the mini second that was a year.